Instructional Designer

Instructional Designer

Instructional Designer Job Description An instructional designer, also known as an educational technologist or instructional consultant, is someone who plans, creates, or modifies learning materials and instructional methods. They design interactive multimedia courses for institutions, companies, and individuals. Instructional designers work in a variety of industries. Some work in media organizations, such as television, radio,…

Infant Teacher

Infant Teacher

Infant Teacher Job Description An infant teacher is a teacher of young children, typically ages 3 years and younger. An infant teacher may care for children from babies to toddlers, but an infant teacher’s primary role is to work with infants and toddlers in major ways. Infants and toddlers’ developmental needs are extremely specific, and…

High School English Teacher

High School English Teacher

High School English Teacher Job Description A high school English teacher teaches high school English courses. High school English teachers teach English courses in junior and senior high schools as well as college and adult education. They teach both literature and composition, and they often develop and teach their own courses. High school English teachers…

High School Teacher

High School Teacher

High School Teacher Job Description A high school teacher is a teacher who teaches at the high school level. A high school teacher teaches students aged 14 to 18. A high school teacher typically teaches in an academic subject such as English, history, or government. The academic subject of the high school teacher depends on…



Historian Job Description A historian is someone who studies past events. The historian is a person who studies past events. While historians may study any period in history, their focus is on the past, events that happened in the past. A historian will research, collect and analyze historical documents, artifacts, and oral histories. A historian…

History Teacher

History Teacher

History Teacher Job Description A history teacher is a person who has the knowledge, skills, and techniques to teach history and teaching history is a profession that requires knowledge and a certain kind of skill. A history teacher is someone who teaches history to students in a classroom or school setting. While each state has…

High School Athletic Director

High School Athletic Director

High School Athletic Director Job Description An athletic director (AD) is the chief administrator and head athletic trainer for a sports organization, typically a school. This individual is responsible for supervising all athletic programs at an institution, typically overseeing coaches, athletes and practices. An athletic director typically reports to the principal of the school. However,…

Group Leader

Group Leader

Group Leader Job Description A group leader is the person who organizes and leads a group. Group leaders are often responsible for the safety and well-being of the group members. They also help the group members to understand the goals of the group. Group leaders decide who is eligible to join the group and they…

Guidance Counselor

Guidance Counselor

Guidance Counselor Job Description A guidance counselor is a high school or college student who is often trained in the field of education and who serves as a mentor to students. Guidance counselors help advise students on academic performance, college and career choices, as well as assist in crisis management and positive lifestyle choices. Guidance…

Graduate Assistant

Graduate Assistant

Graduate Assistant Job Description A graduate assistant (GA) is a graduate student who serves in an administrative or teaching-like role at a school or college, often in a graduate department. The term is also used to refer to graduate students who serve as teaching assistants (TAs) for undergraduate courses. GAs can also be teaching assistants…