Workforce Development Instructor

Workforce Development Instructor

Workforce Development Instructor Job Description The Workforce Development Instructor (“WDI”) is a part-time, non-exempt, non-exempt, non-exempt academic position that is primarily responsible for teaching nine (9) credit hours of occupational and technical education courses each semester while holding an adjunct professorship with the Department of Business and Industry, Department of Business and Management, or Department…

Visiting Faculty

Visiting Faculty

Visiting Faculty Job Description Visiting faculty are lecturers or professors who teach courses at a university that are not affiliated with their home university or department. They are paid from the university’s budget rather than their own. Visiting faculty are usually lecturers or professors with extensive experience in their field. They may be brought in…

Vocal Coach

Vocal Coach

Vocal Coach Job Description A vocal coach is someone who instructs people on how to use their voices. Vocal coaches provide vocal instruction, including how to sing properly, how to speak clearly, how to breathe, and how to project the voice to make vocal projection and projection easier. In addition, vocal coaches often teach their…

Vice Chancellor

Vice Chancellor

Vice Chancellor Job Description The Vice Chancellor is the second highest ranking officer at a university. The Vice Chancellor is the chief administrative officer of a university and is responsible for maintaining the day-to-day running of the institution. The Vice Chancellor typically manages the university’s finance, human resources, and facilities departments. The Vice Chancellor is…

Vice Principal

Vice Principal

Vice Principal Job Description A vice principal is a general term to describe a school administrator. The principal of a school is often referred to as a “headmaster” or a “principal”. In some cases, a head principal or assistant principal may be referred to as a “deputy principal”, or a “vice principal”. Vice principals supervise…



Trainer Job Description A trainer is a person who performs or supervises the performance of training activities. A trainer performs any activity that is intended to increase the knowledge, skills, and abilities of an organization’s employees. A trainer may be involved in developing, planning, or conducting training activities. Trainers may also be involved in implementing…

Training Consultant

Training Consultant

Training Consultant Job Description A training consultant is someone who consults with individuals or organizations to improve their current business and/or personal development. A training consultant may recommend certain courses that will assist the client or group in improving performance. The consultant may also assist organizations in creating training manuals and curriculum for their workers….

Training Coordinator

Training Coordinator

Training Coordinator Job Description The Training Coordinator is responsible for implementing new employee training programs for the company. The Training Coordinator reviews the training program, which determines the training resources and methods to be used. The Training Coordinator will also consult with the Learning and Development Manager to review training programs and results. Then, the…

Training Manager

Training Manager

Training Manager Job Description A training manager works within a company to help individuals develop skills. A training manager may work in a company’s human resources department, or there may be a separate department dedicated to training. A training manager is responsible for creating training programs for employees. Training managers also create training programs for…