High School Athletic Director Job Description

high school athletic director job description includes a detailed overview of the key requirements, duties, responsibilities, and skills for this role.

Last update : يوليو 14, 2023

High School Athletic Director Job Description

An athletic director (AD) is the chief administrator and head athletic trainer for a sports organization, typically a school.

This individual is responsible for supervising all athletic programs at an institution, typically overseeing coaches, athletes and practices.

An athletic director typically reports to the principal of the school.

However, some athletic directors, such as John Currier, have authority over multiple schools.

An athletic director may also be referred to as a sports administrator in the United States, as these positions are still relatively new.

The athletic director is responsible for the budget of the athletic program and the hiring of faculty and staff.

An athletic director may also hire other administrators such as coaches,.

Job Brief:

We’re looking for a High School Athletic Director who is passionate about their job and dedicated to their athletes. Someone who is able to work long hours and weekends, and is willing to do whatever it takes to help their team succeed.

High School Athletic Director Duties:

  • Manage the athletic programs at one or more high schools, including hiring and firing coaches, as well as advising them on academics and coaching strategies
  • Ensure that student athletes are receiving adequate training and opportunities
  • Ensure that all students, coaches, and parents are following school policies
  • Create and maintain a positive image for the school and athletic programs within the community

High School Athletic Director Responsibilities:

  • Initiate and manage budgetary process for recruiting, training, and supplying coaches and staff
  • Schedule, develop, and oversee practices and game schedules
  • Maintain track, soccer, football, and volleyball programs
  • Negotiate contracts with local vendors for uniforms, equipment, and supplies
  • Research, recommend, and implement Safety Awareness, Health and Safety, and Title IX programs for athletes and teams
  • Maintain records of athletic participation and attendance
  • Develop and track safety program compliance
  • Oversee compliance with institutional policies and state laws
  • Maintain accurate records of coaching and medical staff

Requirements And Skills:

  • High school teaching certificate in coaching, physical education, or other related field
  • 5+ years of coaching experience
  • Excellent communication and organizational skills
  • Ability to implement and maintain a sound financial plan
  • Demonstrated ability to recruit, develop, and retain high-quality coaches

[Company Name] is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We encourage applications from all people, regardless of race, religion, national origin, gender, or age. We are especially interested in candidates who are veterans or individuals with disabilities.

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